WED, JULY 3, 2024 • S2 E36 • 42 MIN 8 SEC

Episode 36: Interview with Alan Walker

Check Alan out here:

Born and raised in New York City, Alan Walker has been playing in clubs there since the mid-80s, with his first show at CBGBs and his first band Club Iguana. He is the former lead singer and piano & organ player of rootsy/melodic pop band, The Brilliant Mistakes, who were aptly named after a song by one of their songwriting mentors, Elvis Costello.

The Brilliant Mistakes had a great run starting in 1993, releasing three albums (two with Schleifer producing) before stopping in 2012. The band frequented the downtown NYC club scene and, at one time, was a WFUV favorite, appearing live there as well as with Jerry Treacy on his 'Crash on The Levee' radio show. They were played by David Dye on WXPN's World Cafe as well as on Vin Scelsa's Idiot's Delight and performed at SXSW for a few years.

Alongside his musical career, Walker works full time in book publishing (VP of Higher Education at Penguin Random House). He spoke more about it all in a 2019 podcast interview with Center Stage with Pamela Kuhn, who says he, "has put the polish on life as a popular musician while having an extended and successful livelihood in publishing... Every great composer has their own love of the marriage of music and word. And I can't help but feel that Alan Walker has kept his creativity fresh with his day 'gig' at Penguin Publishing that keeps honing his skills."

Although the city definitely had an effect on who Alan Walker is, the songs he writes, and certainly the musicians he has become most closely involved with, he says, "I get just as much inspiration from being in the country, outdoors hiking with my dogs or on a road bike. I'm half city, half country boy, having grown up in NYC and the hills of Western MA. I'd like to think there is both humor and a subtle edge to my lyrics, which may be the city side of me, and also melancholy in my melodies, which is the country part, but then again, maybe it's not so simple, and it's all mixed up in the soup that my songs come out of."

A Little Too Late is a follow-up to Walker's 2019 debut Something Up My Sleeve and will be released on June 28 on Aunt Mimi's Records. 



Sisters In Song


WED, JULY 3, 2024


42 MIN 8 SEC


